My Pathetic Excuse for a Life




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Tramps on the Trampoline

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8/17/02- yesterday was adam's birthday. happy birthday adam!!! he's finally 15. he had a party yesterday at his mom's house. it was cool. i started crying tho cuz things started getting to me. cassie helped, and byron have me a hug. then the best thing happened. adam cared enough to come over and ask me what was wrong. it was really sweet, and maybe it was just me, maybe im delusional, but he looked really concerned. he put his arm around me and we walked up on his deck. they had pie and i sat there cuz i wasnt hungry. then, everyone else went back to the trampoline, but he stayed and talked to me. i told him just about everything. all my family shit. i felt like he understood since his parents are divorced. dont get my wrong, cassie helped and i appreciated it but she just cant relate like he can. but whatever, it was cool.


6/17/02- yeah so todays my birthday and it should be a happy day...bleh i dont know. i started crying to "el scorcho" on saturday. ew ew ew how dumb of me, but its ok cuz ppl understand me. OMG!!! i wish i didnt like adam!!! he makes me so upset sumtimes and i know it bothers tina that i like him so much and im always gettin upset over him, even if she says it doesnt. i know it does. it must suck to have friedns that lke ur boyfriend so much (not that i would know) *deep deep sigh* i just wish i could get over him. i need to cuz i know it would never work. ya know how i know it would never work??? cuz the fucking feelings only go one way and u cant have a relationship that way. it would never work. its just so damn hard to get over him. o and i definetely cried myself to slep last night, but thats another story. well, it has sumthin to do with him, but not that, well ok kinda that, ya know what, its too complicated to explain. and not im kinda upset that hes talkin to heather again (sry heather) cuz i finally thought that hed like talk to me again, but now that he has her back, hes prolly gonna go back to ignoring me. grrrrrr. inuh, heahter doesnt think he will, but he mihgt cuz hes still in love with her. erg!!! eeeeeeeeeh. i need help. maybe he'll still talk to me *crosses fingers so hard that they break off* i can only hope. maybe saturday will be good. i cant wait, it should be fun!!!

5/29/02- ok yeah i suck. i always do this. i tell sumone how i feel and htey get mad at me (althought he said he wasnt mad at me, but yeah i think he kinda is) whatever. but so i had an away message up and blah blah blah blah we talked on the phone and he so didnt even seem to care that i was upset. and he says he knows that hes my problem, and he doesnt seem to care or want to do anything about it. so i am at a loss. i dont know what to do anymore. aaaaaaaaaaa. i like seriously need help. i dont understand why things changed so mcuh, cuz they definitely didnt change with sumone else and i dont understand it. he just contradicts himself all the time and i dont know what to believe. i know this (probably sounds like im like screaming or sumthing but im not, in actuallity im almost in tears. im not mad i swear, im just upset) i cant take it anymore. i just need to like talk to him about all this, but i dont know how!!! i need help. if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

5/26/02- yeah so yesterday at adam's was so much fun. cassie, heather and i went to sara's before we went to adam's. it was fun hahaha sour cream and onion chips. yes!!!!!!!!! yeah so anyway. adam's was fun. we had a water fight at like 3 or sumthin and i was still soaking wet at 9 when i left. i was so cold when the sun went down. i was shivering so much, adam took me into his house and put his dad's leather jacket on me. it took him so long and so much energy to put that thing on me, cuz i didnt want it. then he definitely picked me up and carried me outside. i was like "wtf ur this scronny kid, ur not supposed to be strong." eh o well. it warmed me up for alittle while. then i was defintely a target for baseball. mitch's idea, dont ask. but i was so int he safest spot in the yard. they couldnt get close to me. and i fell off the 5 times. dont laugh at me!!! omg it was so much fun.
ps. tina i love u!!! im so glad we made up!!!

5/15/02- ok so yeah josh is so random. he completely guessed sumthin that i didnt want anyone to know, and it was the most random guess. i didnt even tell him what it was about. he just guessed what it was about then guessed who it was about. what the hell?!?!?!?!?! can i say random enough? no i cant. aaaaaaaaaaa what the fuck?!?!?!?!

5/14/02- ok everyone get ready for my new philosophy on life: NEVER TRY ANYTHING!!! seriously, trying never gets u anywhere, it just gets u more hurt. i try so fucking hard every fucking day and it never gets me anywhere. so ive decided that im just gonna give up because ya kno what, its not worth my time, energy and sanaty. so im not gonna deal with it anymore. if people decide that they wanna make this better then they can but im not trying anymore. those are my thougths. but yeah anyway on a lighter note, i went to incubus last night. it was amazing!!! omg it was so awesome!!! hoobastank opened for them and they were so good. i loved it. the only semi-bad part was the car ride there and back. both ways i had to sit in between byron and margo in the back seat. omg never again!!! the whole way there they were constantly poking me. eh, no fun, meanness. then on the way back i had to go to the athroom really badly. so they were taking the water bottles that we had and shaking them in my ear. they were also talking about the rain and singing songs with water in them. it wasnt nice. ugh, NEVER AGAIN!!!

5/4/02- yesterday i went to cassie and tamar's show. it was fun. jesse, mark, eric, and heather went too. heather left early but everyone else stayed until 6. we had so much fun together. eric and i had fun typing in random lines into the url address. so yeah, towards the end, eric and i were in teh prod studio ripping up cups (my thought process) and rob came. now this was at like 5:15ish so it was pretty early. but yeah, no comment on rob. um.......yeah. let's just say....aaaaaaaa. yup thats all im gonna say. but we had fun at their show. jesse and i had a nice talk.

5/2/02- my butt hurts. i hate english!!!

4/21/02- ok, i dont get ppl either. they say they hate when ppl dont confront ppl with their feelings (or sumthin to that extent i dont really remember, but u get the idea) but they're doing the same thing. right now i really hate myself cuz i think im hurting ppl. i honestly dont mean to cuz i would nevedr dop that purposely and if ppl think i would well the i dont know but im sry to those ppl if ive hurt u. also, i dont know why ppl cant just be happy for me. there was nothing wrong with what i was doing and we were just talking anyway so it wasnt anything like bad or anything. but just so that person knows, i know what they said and im really confused. it really hurt me when i found out that they said that cuz i thought that they could just be happy for me, but i guess not. i dont know anymore. i hate making ppl mad or whatever. but ppl also need to understand that i like never get a chance to tlak to this person because of reasons. so it was nice when i could do that last night. whatever. i think i'll get over it, and i hope this person will come around.

4/14/02- well last night was cool. sara, jesse, cassie, mark, and josh came over. it was fun. mark came late. we were outside a lot, and we also sat around and watched videos. then mark came. we went for a walk and that was cool. cassie left when we were walking. when we came back we went outside again. we made up tramps on the trampoline while we were out there!!! twas amusing.they're supposed to come back sum time this week and we're gonna make a movie out of it. can't wait!!! yeah then we had an interesting ride home. we had to drive them all home. dont ask. yeah but overall, we had a lot of fun.

4/10/02- major snapage today. ew not good. gonna do it again. i can feel it. grrr....ppl r ammoying sumtimes

4/9/02- ok, i hate when ppl use my feelings against me!!! it happens all the time, and its getting kinda annoying. erg. thats all im gonna say

4/7/02- HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE!!! her party was last night. it was fun even though sumone thought i wasnt having fun and thought i was being stupid. yeah so at about 1ish i was gonna go downtown with heather, adam, and jesse, but my mom said no. pleeeeeeeeeeeeh. shes so dumb sumtimes. but yeah so i waited for like ever for them to get back to heathers. then they finally did, and i went over, only to have adam leave like 20 minutes later. grrrrrrrrr. he had to leave for easter dinner at his moms house. i only got to see him for like 20 minutes and i was pissed then so it didnt really count. he told me to stop being stupid and he hit me. so i hit him back. then we got started in a bitch fight. i won. go me!!! so then, heather, jesse, and i walked over to cassies. we had fun there. adam came back at like 8ish (i think, not quite sure on the time) but whatever. it was fun, but he didnt think i had fun. eh, o well, i did. bye

4/5/02- yeah so things are goin ok. not the best they've ever been but its ok. but yeah we had an assembly today and yeah well lets just say i wasnt too happy. but sleeping, and talkin to cassie, and the sun helped!!! especially sleeping. but heather told me that everyone was looking at me so yeah now im a little weirded out but.....yeah. so now im here at heather's and we came back a little while ago and we're sittin here listenin to music and doin other schtuff. its fun!!! go us!!! yeah tmrw is gonna be so much fun!!! can't wait!!! bye!!!

4/4/02- ok so the pictures are gone!!! yes i know its very sad. he took them back. he took the mikey binder at sum point during latin and took them out. we tried to get them back but it was no use. he still has them now. they were in his jacket in that pocket inside. so we were tryin to un-zip the pocket and get them out but no luck. damn i want those things back!!!

4/3/02- today was........interesting. ill just put it that way. hmmmm......where to start, where to start? well, this morning in english was boring. fst, we had an assembly. it was good but it would have ben better if we could have all sat together. but no, the stupid teacher had to split us up. damn teacher. but yeah i was sittin with heather, jesse, mark, and erik, so it was ok. but yeah..........bad view bad view!!! yeah im back of us.............yeah. but then the juniors and seniors' assembly got cancelled so they couldnt go. haha them!!! but they didnt miss much. yeah then bio was ok. i got my test back. i got an 84.6!!! yeah and everyone else got like low 70's or 60's. so it was good. then latin was...well, nvr mnd. all i can say is that brendan is so weird but it was nice of him. bye

4/2/02- well today was cool i guess. i had my show. it was fun. heather, cassie, byron, and josh came by after drivers ed. that was cool. lots of ppl in the studio!!! fun stuff!!! mrs. snow gave me a bunch of bags of chips so we ate those. the only thing that kinda made me mad today was the whole ass thing in latin (if ya dont kno then dont ask) and the brendan thing. grrrrrrr. y do ppl hate flirting so much and why the fuck do they make a big deal out of it??? and was what i was doing even flirting??? he was jsut asking me a question. inuh whatever i dont really care what brendan thinks. bye yeah overal i guess i would say today wasd good. bye!!!

3/31/02- so, i was thinking today. i know i know, thinking is evil but i had nothing better to do. so yeah i was thinking aobut how cassie was feeling in one of her lj's. she was writing about how its nice when sumone (she said me) noticed when she was sad and tried to make her feel better. i realized just how she feels. now, i know that other ppl have done this for me before and i also know that its not the hardest thing to do to tell when im upset or sumthin's bothering me, but its still nice when sumone notices and tries to make u feel better. its especially nice when that person is so oblivious. ya know, its just really cool. it was nice that he noticed, and then tried to make me feel better. it felt good. if ya want ill tell ya the whole story. bye!!!

3/30/02- omg yesterday was so much fun!!! i went to saras and adam, jesse, and heather were there too. then carly came too. ok, so i wasnt that happy at first (well, i was preoccupied) but then after the fact i was very happy. yeah so heres the deal...i have a date to the semi!!! yup, im goin with adam. fun stuff. now, i know we're only goin as friends but im still happy!!! eeeeee!!!!! yeah it was actualy funny how it happened. we were gettin ready to leave saras to go up to adam's and everyone went to put their shoes on, and me and adam were standing in sara's little living room thingy, and he was like, "so, do u wanna take me to ur semi?" and i was like "what the hell???" and he was like "well, u weren't gonna ask me" i was like "yes i was" so he was like "ok, then go ahead" and he made me say it. i felt so stupid. but he was "well, i already said yes" so i said it and he said yes and then he gave me a hug and then we went to put our shoes on. we had fun at his house. we watched the movies that i didnt see. they were really funny. then at like 8ish adam and carly went to carly's house and got johanna and hilary, and they all played "flashlight tag" (it was really manhunt but they can call it the wrong name if they want) but yeah, they had fun and i had fun on my spot on the steps. so basically the whole day was fun, even tho my mom was being stupid. eh o well. i can't wait til april 26!!!

3/28/02- today was fun. it was a good day. i think i did well on my bio test. *crosses fingers* yeah and latin was..............interesting. adam stole my shoe. he like grabbed it in between his legs and then reached down and grabbed it and like ran away. i tried to hold onto it, but it was too hard. so yeah he took it and put it out in the hall. then josh went out and put it in the trash (there's a trash in the hall) then, adam kept stealin the mikey binder. he took it and put it on the comp table, then i came back and my backpack was gone. josh had that. then i came back again and adam was tryin to steal the binder again!!! it was.....interesting. thats what i said..........interesting. so, yeah. thats it bye!!!

3/27/02- well today sucked. i got a 68 on that fucking bio test. yeah so im in deep shit. but yeah latin was fun tho. the juniors had meeting-thingys, so i was talkin to heather and.......adam for the hour that they were gone for. it was fun!!! hehe. shut up heather cuz i know ur gonna read this. im happy so blah. heehee. yeah and i cant listen to jna cuz im on the comp and i dont have a radio near me. :( poor me. now i feel like him cuz he always forgets about my show. o well. maybe ill finish soon. bye all!!!

3/26/02- OMG!!! sunday night was sooooo fun!!! but yeah sry for not writing yesterday, i kinda......forgot. but yeah, back to sunday, which was what i was gonna write about yesterday. so yeah, i went to sara's house on sunday. it was fun. when i was driving up to her house i saw that the lights in jesse's room were on so we called him and we said that we were gonna go for a walk, so he said to come get him and he'd go with us, vutr he aslo said for us to wait so adam could come. so we did. we went for a fun walk!!! it was much funness!!! sum pretty sketchy shit went down!!! o well, it was fun!!!
MORE- hi all!!! so i had my show today. it turned out that the first show never showed up so jimmy said that i could start early, so i did. my show went from 3-6. can we say tiredness?!?!?! but yeah it was fun. cassie and jesse were there at the beginning. we had lots of fun. then jesse left, and it was me and cass. we had fun with cassie's bleeping ability. go cass!!! then after she left, mark and erik came and that was fun. erik is so awesome!!! and mark is so nice. he made me feel so much better about my show and how i kept screwin up. hey, gimme a break i was alone most of the time. for a good amount of the show, i was on the phone. heather was on the line most of the time, and we were conferencin with ppl. there was this weird noise. well, it turns out it thats it was a person. omg!!! how weird!!! *sarcasm* hehe. but yeah, sara finally showed up at like 5:15ish, which is ok, she just told me that she would be there at like 4:30, but o well. all is good in the world of whhb!!! wow!!! i just realized that this is wicked long, so if ya wanna hear the rest, and u weren't there (heahter, hehe) u can ask me!!! c ya!!!

3/24/02- well, yesterday was fun. i went to the flower show with christine and nikki. we ended up leavin late cuz their dad thought i lived in hopkinton. o well, we got there on time. we had so much fun. we worked with this girl jackie from westwood. she was really nice and she works really hard. she made us lazy hollistonians look bad. eh, whatever. i got home at like 11ish and i actually got enough sleep!!! wow!!! unlike the night before. eh, today's gonna be boring cuz im gonna be studyin for bio test today. if anyone sees this today, call me and save me from bio!!! c ya!!!

3/23/02- wow!!! ok, now it's been way too long since ive updated, but now im gonna try to get back to writing everyday (or almost everyday). ive decided that a lot of my friends have lj's and i kinda feel left out, so im doin this again. so, yeah hi!!! um, well, a lot has happened since the last time i wrote, so im not gonna bore u with the bo-redness. but yeah, last night christine and i went to packing and shipping. it started at 5, and we went to the daycare first so my mom could bring us to waltham. it was suppossed to end at 9, but hey we were also suppossed to have like 20 ppl there, but scratch that, only like 7 ppl showed up. so needless to say we didnt get as much doneas we would have liked. so, christine and i, being the nice ppl we r (jk) stayed late to help brenda finish everything. we ended up leavin at like 10:45, and we got home at like 12. o well, mopre hours for us!!! bye for now!!!

1/17/02- wow!!! its been a long time!!! a lot has happened. and when i say a lot, i mean A LOT!!! some of it has been good, and some of it not so good, and some of it REALLY REALLY BAD!!! but, most of the bad shit is over now, and im pretty much happy. go me!!! but yeah a lot of confusion, a lot of crying, but i think its over, i hope its over. we had a group counceling session, cortousy of mark. thank u to mark for letting us use his house, and being there for all of us. anyway, i really wanna put the shit behind us and move on. onward!!!

12/27/01- did everyone have a nice holiday? good. i did too. it was fun. on christmas day we stayed here and opened schtuff. then we went to see my grandma in the hospital again. we brought candy for the nurses and we brought it out to them on this serving santa thing. it's cool, it's like a remote controlled santa. much fun much fun. yeah i know im a dork. well, i would have to say that my coolest gifts were, my headset phone, my electronic drum pads, and MY LPUNDERGROUND MEMBERSHIP!!! im sooooooo excited about that one. i get the unreleased ep, a mike shinoda designed t-shirt, a SIGNED 8x10 picture and sum other cool stuff. im soooooo excited. that all should be here in like a week. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

12/23/01- wow!!! i like totally forgot about this!!! the reason being is that i finally have a life. our people have been having parties a lot. anyway, it's almost christmas and it came way too fast i wasn't ready. but anyway, the past month has been a tough time. my grandma has been having some problems. but im happy to report that she is doing very well. i went to the rehab hospital yesterday to see her, and she is doing fine. she has no more pain and she's ben eating a little more. its very exciting. we're going back on christmas day, and we're bringing a little table-top christmas tree. pray for her that she gets out of the rehab hospital and back home so she can get back to normal.

12/16/01- hellooooooo. nothin much to report on today. i was in a good mood earlier, but SUMONE ruined that. hopefully tmrw will be better and more interesting.

12/15/01- sorry i haven't written in a while, but i've in a bad mood. i've been depressed. but anyway, so i went to the daycare yesterday. i saw my ry-ry again, he's so cute. and when i walked in, bonnie asked me if i was in a good mood. so i said i wasn't cuz well, i wasn't and she told me that i would have to be in a good mood so she has to show me on thursday. im scared. i know she's gonna do sumthin to me. o well, she's bonnie. i'll just have to get her back.

12/11/01- ew, today im too sad to write anything. so, hopefully i'll feel better tmrw and i'll be able to write sumthin.

12/10/01- im too mad to write anything now, i'll do it tmrw

12/9/01- well, i have a weird feeling im not gonna hear from adam today. he said he'd call me, but, it snowed, so im afraid he prolly won't. o well, i'll see him tomorrow.

12/8/01- today, me, heather, adam, jesse, and sara went to the mall. we had much fun again!!! i love us!!! then we went back to adam's. sara had to leave b/c she was goin to cabaret. then heather left at like 8ish and i was there with adam and jesse for a little while. we had fun at adam's, but it was kinda weird when adam had played me and heather the guitar, then he came out and.......... wait, i won't get into that now, if u REEEAAALLY wanna know, u can ask me i guess. but anyway, it was fun.

12/7/01- today, me and sara and adam had to fill in for cassie and tamar's radio show b/c they're in the play. we had WAAAAY too much fun!!! we had so many visitors and we broke so many rules. we had like 10 people in the studio like the whole time and ther's only suppossed to be 4 at a time. oh, well, no one will know. we went to see cabaret also. tina was so good. so was cassie. much fun was had by all!!!

12/6/01- today heather, adam and i made up the "rules of chairring" it was fun, even though they did most of them without me, cuz we were suppossed to do them together!!! thanks a lot guys!!!

12/5/01- wow, nothing really happened today. so i won't bore u with the blahness. bye for now!!!

12/4/01- today was my first radio show of the year!!! yay!!! go us!!! that's all i really wanted to say. but mr. legault asked me if i was going in a downward spiral b/c i was upset yesterday. he's so weird.

12/3/01- ok, today was just a horrible day, enough said. if u don't know what im talkin about, don't ask me cuz it's an INCREDIBLY long story and it's really complicated.

12/2/01- well, it's 10, and im back at home. finally, away from the cats, I CAN BREATHE!!! there's not much that's gonna happen today, so i'll be online a lot. not that it's any different from any other day, but whatever.

12/1/01- gathering day!!! gathering day!!! im excited. but before the fun gathering i have to go to whhb training. ew!!! im not looking forward to that. it's pointless, everything's the same.
MORE-well, i was right, there was absolutely no point in going to the training, all the equipment's the same and the only thing that's different is the set-up and the counters and stuff, o and the mics, but still, BOOOOOOOORING!!! so, the guy jeff was running it, and he's weird. at the end cassie tamar, adam, and misha (don't know how to spell his name, so i took a stab at it) left, so me and sara and mary had to talk on the mics and rob was in the room. eeeeeeew, i HATE rob!!! whatever, off to sara's!!!

11/30/01- well, another day gone by and he still didn't give it to me. o well, he's gonna bring it to sara's tomorrrow. so, i'll get it then. today, i didn't get home until like 10 cuz i had to go to a meeting after school and then i had to go to another meeting in waltham at 7. it was ok though cuz after the first meting, we went to mary's house and had pizza then we went to the other meeting right from her house. and we got to leave early from the second meeting cuz we knew about everything they were talking about, and we were bored. go us!!! we felt so smart!!!

11/29/01- well, josh didn't give it back to me today. sad. he was like putting it right in my face and i didn't get. i have really bad reflexes. and he whacked me in the face with it and i STILL didn't get it. poor me. and then he smacked me in the face, but whatever. he should be bringing it to sara's on saturday, so it's ok. but i miss my mikey!!!

11/28/01- today i joined the FBF!!! go us!!! nothing really happened today. i really hope that josh gives me my dvd back tomorrow. i miss it!!!

11/27/01- two words: SEPARATION ANXIETY!!! today was the day i lent josh the linkin park dvd. im afraid he's gonna like keep it forever!!! he doesn't know what he's putting me through!!! i hate not being able to see my mikey!!! this is killing me!!!

11/26/01- ew, back to school. blah. mish. arg. heather came over today. we watched the LINKIN PARK DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! just kidding, he's borrowing it tomorrow. that's about all that happened.

11/25/01- wow, nothing happened today. what a boring life i lead.

11/24/01- i'm back at home today!!! i've been watching the linkin park dvd, like all day!!! it's amazing!!! mikey faces!!! papercut video!!! mikey!!!!!!! awwwww, i'm in heaven. my cable's out, so linkin park is takin the place of everything. i love it!!! i've watched it like 5 times already today and it's only like 3:00. i love it!!!

11/23/01- hola! i'm still at my grandma's. we're leaving today. nothing really happened today. it was pretty boring. i was practicing for my drum lesson, and my cousin came intot he room, and he's like 2 years younger than me, and he was asking me to teach him how to play the drums, so i was. go me!!! that is all.

11/22/01- hello!!! i'm coming to u today from my grandma's house!!! nothing much happened at all today. we left my house at like 8 and went to pick up my uncle and my cousin. then, we were off to the cape. go us!!! i'm in a better mood today b/c i don't think josh is mad at me anymore. that's a relief if he isn't. i'll be here all day today, and most of tomorrow. so, after that, i can go back to a FAST computer!!! i can't wait.

11/21/01- today was a nice short day. we had each class for about 20 minutes and then we had a pep rally, fun *rolls eyes* we say there and made fun of the cheerleaders. they were funny. so were the football players, but anyway, to more interesting stuff. ew, i am annoyed with someone, i would say "mad at" but, i'm not really mad at them anymore b/c we kinda talked it out, and i think we're ok now. i hope *crosses fingers* i really don't want them to be mad anymore, b/c they were pissed at me. but it's ok, cuz i think it's all ok now. let me pray. heather came over today. we made extra chocolatey brownies *heaven* they were amazing!!! ew now, two of my brother's friends are here b/c they came home from, college for thanksgiving and of course, they always congregate here. ugh, i guess i should be used to it by now. they always used to be here every friday back when they were in high school. ugh whatever. i hope i'm in a better mood tomorrow.
MORE- so, my mom bought me the linkin park dvd a little while ago, and she came home with it, so of course i opened it. AND IT WAS EMPTY!!! i was so pissed!!! so my mom went back to strawberries and got another one. but I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT---EMPTY!!! oh well, at least i have it. and it has papercut on it!!! hahaha!!!

11/20/01- ew. another gross day of gym. i won't bore u with the details, but it was gross. christine finally gave me my pants back today!!! i'm so proud of her. i let her borrow my extra pair at six flags b/c all of her clothes got wet b/c she left them up against the side of the tent, and that was at the beginning of october. i'm so proud, she finally remembered!!! heather's sad, if anyone is reading this today, cheer her up. WE LUV U HEATHER!!!
MORE- ew, now i'm kinda in a bad mood. can't say why though. but also, i think josh hates me. he put in his journal that he hates someone but he can't say who b/c they go to his site, and he knows i go to his site. arg!!! i'm so mad!!!

11/19/01- today's my brother's birthday. go him!!! he's the big 1-9. i'm so proud *sniffle* NEWAY!!! so today was a rather dull day. it was my first day of gym. ew. it's not a bad class ppl-wise, i have heather, christine, and adam, but the teacher's a DIPSHIT!!! he was like "ok, let's pretend that today's a physical education day, and wait out in the hall until the bells rings" we pretend way too much in that class. it's scary. me and adam kept lookin at each other and makin fun of him. he doesn't call it gym, he calls it "physical education", he doesn't call it the gym, he calls it "gymnasium" and he doesn't call it the weight room, he calls it the "fitness room". he's such a dip!!! sry, just had to vent.

11/18/01- sorry about the really short entry yesterday. i was actually writing that at like 1:30 sunday morning with cassie, heather and sara standing over my shoulder and i couldn't think of anything to write. but anyway... cassie and sara were so tired, and so we finally went up to my room at like 1:30ish, and they fell right asleep, but me and heather were wide awake. i don't know why i was so hyper, but heather had fallen asleep for like an hour (on alex), so she was rested. at like 2, i said that no one signed my white board b/c i wanted everyone to sign, it, so she stood up and she was writing all over it. she actually turned on the light a few times, b/c my lamp has a foot thing to turn it on with, so she did that like twice and cassie and sara slept right through it. we had way too much fun!!!

11/17/01- today was my party!!! go me!!! much fun was had by all.

11/16/01- today was my last day of printmaking. poor me. so sad. now i pick up gym. ew. i HATE gym. and we brought home our folders from printmaking, and wouldn't ya know it, the day i wanted and needed to get right on the bus, it was like 10 minutes late!!! arg!!!

11/15/01- ew, yesterday josh got my hardest riddle. DAMN HIM!!! and today, he got a 90% on the idiot test. and i got a 70%. ew!!! why???

11/14/01- ew, i have this book review due on friday. i swear, it's gonna be the death of me. it's so hard and i have like the worst book to do it with. aaaaaaaa. and lisa's already done. that over-acheiver. jk lisa.

11/13/01- i got my math project back today. i got a 95%. dennis now thinks he's better than me because he got the same grade and he didn't do a model. well, i say blah to him.

11/12/01- i went to the daycare today. i saw my ry-ry. he's so cute. i love him. i also picked bonnie for secret santa. ha ha ha, now it's time to get back at her!!! muhahaha!!!

11/11/01- nothin happened today. i went to carly's. that's about it.

11/10/01- this is the first weekend in a while that i got to sleep in. go me!!!

11/9/01- i have a new lowest test grade in math. now my lowest is a 97%. yup, it's sad. poor me.