The Loop




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Jokes and Stories


Tramps on the Trampoline

Photo2 Page


Where's a mailbox when you need one?
Look out for the wire!!! oops!!!
Boy, dammit, boy!!!
Ok, so the person who was supposed to be there said that the friend of boy said to the person who was supposed to be there that boy..............
Heather, how about Josh!!!
Pity party for us!!!
We're so alike it's scary!!!
Nature called but he was boring so i hung up on him
Get it, i tried to hand them to him through he computer but it didn't work!!!
Ha ha Heather, it's NEVER comin down!!! NEVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least u didn't spell ur name wrong!!!
Event ho i can't run!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAA condoms!!! Condoms on my tv!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Zooming in on the condoms!!!
Legs flailing about!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Bad image!!!
I'm running away now, ok?
It's Bio-Hazard Boy!!!
Um, Chris, be a pal, and...........hand me my pants. Ewwwwwwwwww
So, was that before of after he put on the tights?
French fries, I like em LONG and HOT!!!
I hear the alien!!!
I miss my chair buddy!!!
Heather's soft, like a dog pillow!!!
Adam's back makes a good pillow!!!
U didn't need the binder?!?!?!
Adam look out!!! It's the imitation toe sock police!!!
I'm gonna make tons of copies and put them ALL over school!!! Muhahaha
Don't u just love my spelling ability?!?!?!
I miss you chair buddy!!!
Your back does make a good pillow!!!
We have to go chairing!!!
Are you feeling unknown???
They didn't go to the grocery store!!! they went to Papa Gino's!!!!
yay (sideways exclamation point)
call him and be like eh
i coughed but my tongue got in the way!!!
*sit* *kick*
liberate cheezter!!!
im drowning!!! *blub* im saved!!!
we're assembling in the auditorium for an assembly. coincidence??? i think not!!!!!!!
we can hold the fish bowl over his head
-well, he'd have to get on his knees so i can reach
--yeah he's really tall
---really??? i was just sayin that cuz im short
ur purple chair was taken!!!
i like my hair long cuz...............yeah
this is the loop---->().............this is u (u)
omg!!! its so true!!!
u still have the convo!!
it's the weird noise!!!
will u go to the semi with me weird noise??? (haha, i luv eric!!!)
hey, i NEVER think wring!
it's a hidden joke
-yes a hidden joke, it was in a treasure chest buried in the sand
is that a state?
-yeah it's the 51st
--no thats hawaii
we're the first ever herd of ducks!!!
fruit and flowers!!!
biggest mistake in the world!!!
there's 3 bananas and 1 questionable banana tree
it has herpes and hepetitis....its herptites!!!
are you going the sped limeet of 2.5???
between signs
Tramps on the Trampoline!!!!!
dead silence
*deep breath*
jesse left his shirt here
-hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha thats sounds so wrong!


Funny Story
OK, so we were at Six Flags, and it was like almost 12. We were in the tent talking and Carly of course was the first one asleep. I don't know what happened but like 2 minutes after she fell asleep, she woke up and looked at us and she was like "you guys are up already?" none of us said anything, we just sat there laughing. she looked so confused and i was like "Carly, you've been sleeping for like 2 minutes!!!" IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!

Dead Ten Times Over
Sara's peeing!!! Where???

I gotta go!!!

Go find a dark corner!!!

We broke the bathroom!!!
The one on the right?
No, the bathroom in general!!!