Mi Casa




Contact Me


Jokes and Stories


Tramps on the Trampoline

Photo2 Page

Hello Fellow Aliens!!!
Hello, I'm a really weird person with WAY too much free time on her hands.
So Far...
4-5-03: more pics up. im still not done but theres some more. theres also a new page, but nothing on it yet.

4-1-03: hey guys. im back again. i finally got the pics from new years eve up there....well some of them at least. i'll get more up later, but im too lazy to do them now. but anywho, check em out!

3-19-03: well, its been a while but i finally did something. there are some new pics up! check em out!

4-14-02: tramps on the trampoline!!!

4-10-02: k, there are now new pics on the pics page. realy ones!!! of me and my friends!!! its exciting!!!

4-7-02: the rules of chairring.....coming soon

3-24-02: i changed the whole look of the jokes page. it's now one big column of jokes wiht everyone in it

3-23-02: im tryin to get back to doin the journal everyday, so its there.

11-20-01: i added a link to read the guestbook on the contact page

11-16-01: heather finally found a site that works, so that link is fixed. i also added a new page

11-12-01: i added some more in the custom page. i got a new section for "dead ten times over jokes" and i got a "funny story" section. the story is hilarious!!!

11-11-01: i put a question on my corkboard. go there and answer it. pleeeeeeeez

11-10-01: ok, i did A LOT today. i fixed the links and i also added stuff to the about part. i also added a corkboard (it's in the contact page)
Music of the Update:
The sound of my computer humming. i dont know why i havent opened winamp yet....